The luncheon with the theme of "Easter Parade" will be held on Sunday, April 6, 2025 again at the Sunset Room at Fairview. There will be baskets, large painted pieces, and painted door prizes to be raffled off.
Dolores had centerpieces, a big floppy hat, and favors, small plastic eggs, at the November meeting. Dolores wants these items painted and returned by the January meeting or in March at the latest. Mary Ann Yurus will once again be in charge if recording who are doing a basket. It's not too early to be thinking about doing a basket for next year’s Luncheon. If you can do a basket, please see Mary Ann at the January Meeting.
Winter is coming and if you’re snowed in and need something to do, go through your stack of painted and unpainted pieces. See what you could donate to the Luncheon for door and raffle prizes. We all know we have them and if you’re like us there are many collecting dust around somewhere. We’ve found pieces we forgot about years ago.
Basket Luncheon Chair
Dolores Khalouf