​Our next meeting is March 16th. The food for our lunch Rosmarie will have Sloppy Joes. We would like to have side dishes to compliment the sandwiches. As always snacks and desserts are also welcome. We will be having Lynne Banting teaching her Fruit of the Vine watercolor. If you want to join in but have not yet signed up, contact Monica Schallenberger to let her know you want to. The cost is $40. The doors will be open by 9:30 with painting starting at 10.

The Town and Country Retreat (classes May 1st thru 4th) booklet and registration form can be found on the Miscellaneous page. You can print what you need from there.

If you have an item you think would be good to paint, but not sure you can, want, or did paint it, bring it to the meeting. You can sell it, offer it for free, or give it to Bill Habers for Ways and Means. He always needs more stuff for the raffles.

Some more of the painted shelter tote bags were filled and delivered to the shelter by Karen Pagasky. Jeanne Delbusso will have more tote bags and backpacks for the shelter and some memory boxes to take home and paint. If you have some of these at home, please bring them back, painted is preferred. β€‹

Be sure to see the picture in the December 2024 newsletter to see what we gave them in early December. Rosemary is still doing the Animal Friends project.  Rosemary is still asking everyone to save glass jars. Rosemary would appreciate that all labels and glue be removed, but it's okay if the label is still on. If you give us jars and you're not sure if it is usable, still bring it. If Rosemary decides it cannot be used, we will recycle it. Be sure to keep the lids on the jars to help keep the treats fresh. In addition, Rosemary and Animal Friends will accept any monetary donations, small blankets, and any animal food. A big thank you to all who have and will support the dogs, cats, rabbits, etc.

​​The Chapter Banner with that scene of Pittsburgh on it is still hiding somewhere. If you have it, please bring it to the meeting. If you know where it might be, let any Board member know. Hopefully, doesn't have it for some reason considering.

Golden Triangle Decorative Painters

2024 Chapter President:
Laura Angelo
